
China Bans Physical Punishment for Treatment of 'Internet Addiction'

Apparently, the overuse of the internet among China's teens is so rampant that there is an industry developing around breaking the habit. The methods being utilized to do so have come under fire however after the recent beating death of a teen in a treatment center. This has lead to Chinese authorities banning the use of physical punishment in the treatment of internet addictions. Despite taking this step, the government did not come out against Internet Boot Camps in general, and has stated that intervention to prevent improper use of the internet is appropriate. This is because overuse of the internet is seen as a bad habit. Official statements make it clear, however, that normal internet use is just fine.

Though there are obvious benefits to the banning of physical punishments in treatments, there will always be questions about State motivations regarding internet policy. Ever since the Google debacle a few years ago, and in light of some of the restrictions still in place on internet use, advocates for human rights have pointed to internet policy as one of the areas where China needs to change. Short of more sweeping changes, however, this is clearly a positive development.

1 comment:

  1. To prevent internet addiction, we should be disciplined and well guided.
