
Maybe I am Missing the Point?

I really like Steven Colbert. I think his show is hilarious and takes what Jon Stewart has been doing very successfully for a few years to a brilliant new level. The fact that he does what he does in character makes it even more impressive. However, despite his comedic genius, political knowledge and abilities, he is still a character, or perhaps more properly a caricature representing some of the more hysterical members of the media, who hosts a comedy show. On Comedy Central. What, exactly in my description of him makes him an appropriate candidate to speak in front of a Congressional committee on immigration, (in character!!!) is a little beyond me...

I would like to think that maybe I am missing the point, that the time and money of taxpayers wouldn't be spent so oddly as on testimony from a character, that there were some compelling reason to have Mr. Colbert visit the Hill. However, I don't think so. Really, how is this any different than asking someone dressed up as the Jolly Green Giant to testify on farm subsidies, or Captain Planet expounding on green initiatives. And I think that is just one of the reasons that all incumbents, not merely those with a big D following their names, are in big trouble this fall.

UPDATE: This (predictably) turned farcical in near record time...

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