
UFO Threat to Nukes?

Readers can chalk this posting up to the theory that if it is newsworthy enough for Reuters, it is certainly newsworthy enough for Blawgconomics. And, despite the difficulty in finding the 'intersection of law and economics' in possible alien encounters, this story is interesting enough to merit a mention on a slow news day. Reuters summarizes it best;

'Witness testimony from more than 120 former or retired military personnel points to an ongoing and alarming intervention by unidentified aerial objects at nuclear weapons sites, as recently as 2003. In some cases, several nuclear missiles simultaneously and inexplicably malfunctioned while a disc-shaped object silently hovered nearby.'

On Monday the 27th, six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will speak about their experiences with these unexplained phenomena at the National Press Club in an attempt to get the government to publicly confirm their reality.

Whether it is little green men or Russian men manning the craft is up to speculation. However, the fact that some highly placed former officers are getting a shot at telling their stories at the National Press Club is notable. We will probably never know everything the government does about such encounters. However, this is a start, and should at least make for some interesting press clippings.

UPDATE: A few days late, but you can get a gist of the testimony here. If anything, it was a bit more explosive than anticipated.

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