
The List: The 20 Smartest Athletes in America

Too often, athletes are only newsworthy for actions off of the field when those actions are antisocial, criminal, or even psychopathic. Whether they are arrested with a guitar case full of guns, conspiring to kill pregnant girlfriends, cheating on their wives with twenty porn stars and escorts or running dogfighing rings (in just a few of the more colorful incidents of recent years) it is mostly the negative which gets splashed across the headlines.

Therefore it is always refreshing to see athletes mentioned in a positive light. A few weeks back, The Sporting News did just that with a piece on some very smart athletes. Though the mag undoubtedly missed a few along the way (and we would be interested to see the results were a more international sample set selected from) the athletes on this list, which includes a few amateur economists and legal hopefuls, deserve some attention.

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