
Let's Give this Another Shot...

It has certainly been a while since I posted anything of substance on this page. Indeed, this post, and those which will follow it, will mark my return from the longest layoff I have had since starting Blawgconomics - longer than pauses for final exams, moving, starting new jobs, taking the bar, or any other of the roadblocks which life has placed before me.

I cannot quite say why it has been so long since I have posted. I suppose a combination of work, some random adventures and plain old life have conspired against me. One thing that has most certainly not contributed is a lack of topics to write about; on the contrary, politicians behaving badly, the state of the economy (still) and geopolitical issues among other things have certainly provided enough fodder for a curmudgeon such as myself to pontificate on.

I will do my best to post on a number of things that I have been mulling over throughout week. In sitting down to begin that process, I can say that it feels good to be back. Typing at a laptop might not capture the nostalgist's imagination like putting quill to parchment, but there is a familiarity in embarking upon a series of posts which I have missed and which comforts me, like rekindling an affair with an old paramour. I hope readers enjoy the resurgence as much as I do...

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