
Credit Crunch the Greatest Foe the Greeks Have Ever Faced?

According to no less a source than Wikipedia, 'Classical Greece is generally considered to be the seminal culture which provided the foundation of Western civilization.' During that time, the city-states of what is now Greece were able to put internal squabbles aside and repel many threats to their collective soil, despite facing some of the greatest armies ever assembled, before or after.

Some may then find it ironic that the recent financial crisis has done something that even the mighty Persians couldn't do...at least in the long term; make the Greeks give up ground. Due to its credit crunch, the Greek government has put some of its island land up for sale in an attempt to generate some cash to cover soaring debts loads and general services.

The government likewise plans to put its rail system up for grabs with the Chinese thought to be probable bidders. Wealthy individuals are presumed to be the potential buyers for the island properties.

The move to sell infrastructure is not likely to cause much consternation; similar moves have occurred throughout the world in recent years. However, though the island situation could be a boon for the Richard Bransons and the Roman Abramovich's of the world, I am sure most Greek citizens would prefer not to not see the day Nafsika gains a -ski at the end...